Off-chain Governance v.2

On August 18, 2023, off-chain governance of Version 2 was terminated by Consensus members.

Off-chain governance structure of the DeNet Storage Protocol v.2, its smart contracts and settings

Offchain governance

*IDIP - initial DeNet improvement proposal - a proposal being discussed and tested by participants of the data storage network.

*DIP - DeNet improvement proposal - a proposal that is accepted/rejected by DeNet Consensus members with governance tokens.

  1. IDIP creation stage

Platform: DeNet Discord Server, Consensus category

Government stage:

Generating and discussing ideas for improving the DeNet Storage Protocol. Creating an IDIP and testing its functionality on the test and main networks in accordance with the criteria approved by Consensus members. Passing an audit of the protocol, including the proposed IDIP.

! All IDIPs must correspond to the goals and areas of the DeNet Consensus government.

  1. IDIP acceptance stage


Government stage:

Formulation and submission of IDIP by any member of the DeNet community for consideration among the DeNet Consensus members with governance tokens.

Structure of the proposal:

  • Title that captures the essence of the IDIP proposal
  • Proposal description:
  1. Motivation - indicating the problem that the proposal will solve. The motivation must also specify the goal (according to Consensus goals) to which the proposed DIP corresponds.
  2. Specification - description of a new feature or technical changes.
  3. Justification - explanation of why this solution is the best for the proposed problem and provides the greatest benefit.
  • Assumption regarding the consequences in the security and governance areas.
  • Specifying the SC address, transaction code, links to IDIP verification in the test and main networks and to audits.
  • Confirmation of functionality - specifying the indicators that were obtained in testnet and mainnet according to the criteria set by the members of the DeNet Consensus.

Within 1 day, DeNet Consensus members must approve/reject the proposed IDIP for further voting.

Quorum - 30% of the total number of DeNet Consensus members must review and like the proposal. Once the quorum is reached for positive reactions, any DeNet Consensus member may submit this IDIP for further voting. In all other cases, the IDIP cannot be submitted for voting and is archived in the IDIP list for six months.

  1. Voting among DeNet Consensus members based on their voting power


Governance stage:

For a period of 5 days, members with governance tokens can vote on the implementation of the proposed DIP.

The proposal is considered accepted when the following conditions are met:

  1. Quorum - 80% of votes calculated based on voting power;
  2. More than 50% of the total voting power of DeNet Consensus members voted in favor of accepting the DIP.

The total voting power is calculated at the time of creating the DIP.

If the DIP receives a majority of negative votes or does not meet the quorum, it is considered as not accepted and is permanently saved in the "Proposals history" tab.

  1. DIP confirmation by validators


Government stage:

Once the voting has met the quorum and collected a majority of positive votes, any DeNet Consensus member can submit the DIP for validation.

Validators vote "for" or "against" the proposal for a period of 3 days. These individuals have the right to veto if the proposal contains a potential risk or malicious transaction for the development of the DeNet Storage Protocol. The veto is considered imposed if ≤6/8 signatures in the multisig wallet are in favor of accepting the proposal.

  1. Recording the results

All accepted and rejected DIPs are recorded in the "Proposals history" section of the DeNet Consensus Voting app.

Tracking off-chain governance stages of DeNet Consensus members

For convenient tracking of governance stages within the DeNet Consensus Voting app, the following statuses are introduced:

  • NEW - a new IDIP available for consideration among participants with governance tokens;
  • Awaiting vote - an IDIP approved by DeNet Consensus members and ready for voting on its acceptance among participants with governance tokens. Any DeNet Consensus member can advance the IDIP to the next stage;
  • Consensus Voting - DeNet Consensus in the process of voting for the acceptance of the DIP;
  • Validating - in the process of validation for the acceptance of the DIP;
  • Accepted - a DIP that has passed the entire DeNet Consensus governance stage and has been accepted for implementation.
  • Rejected - a DIP that has been rejected during the governance stage of Consensus.

Criteria approved by the Consensus for passing iDIPs on the DeNet Storage Protocol development in test and main networks TB criteria