How it Works


  • Each file is divided into 1 MB chunks.
  • Each chunk is client-side encrypted with a private key.
  • Chunks are uploaded to the node and replicated to other nodes instantly.
  • Once the replication is confirmed, the file is considered to be uploaded.


  • Data is stored on multiple nodes, and the number of copies can be configured by the user.
  • The nodes monitor the quantity of copies for each chunk continuously, and if there are not enough of them, the chunk is replicated to another node to restore the necessary amount. The mechanism is called Autoreplication.

Proof-of-Storage and Payments

  • A Datakeeper (node) consistently generates proofs of data storage based on the Merkle Tree structure and the latest hashes in the blockchain.
  • Upon successful proof, TBY tokens are automatically debited from the user’s balance and sent to the Datakeeper.


  • Multiple 1 MB chunks are downloaded simultaneously from different nodes, which greatly speeds up data retrieval.